Tuesday, April 2, 2013


For the last few months, I have felt that my world is askew.  That I just don't fit where I am.  Although, I have friends, I don't really have a place.  Although I am a member of a church, I don't really belong.  Even though I am blessed beyond belief in my home life, some thing is off.  I just can't put my finger on it.  I can't figure out what is off.  I have prayed to the Lord to explain to me what is going on or maybe to change me to fit into this world where he has placed me.  Into a world that I once fit so perfectly. 
Last week I picked up the book Kisses for Katie.  A book about a 19 year old girl that took a big leap of faith and traveled across the world to follow the will of God.  It has opened my heart and my mind to the fact that maybe I am not in the center of God's will. 
I feel that there is something that God wants me to do that I am not doing.  I do not think that God wants me to move into a grass hut in the middle of Africa but there is something that he is moving me toward.  A journey that he wants me to take. 
So today, I will begin to pray that God will open my eyes and show me just what it is.  I will pray that God will move me out of my comfort zone and begin to reveal what it is that he wants to accomplish through me. 
I am a little scared at what he may ask of me.  I am even more afraid to stay where I am.  I am tired of not understanding my place in this little world of mine.  So maybe stepping out of this world and into the world that God wants me to live in is the answer.  Maybe, just maybe, that is the answer.  That my focus needs to be on the world around me and what Jesus wants to do through me. 
I can't wait to see what God has in store for me and for the first time in a long time, I am open for anything!

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