Monday, October 24, 2011

The List

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21

When I was in my early 20's I heard some advice to make a list of godly characteristics that you wanted in a husband.  I made that list.  It was a list of characteristics that were based directly from scripture on what a husband/man should be.  Then, I began praying over that list.  Every time a prospective suitor came along, I would pull out my list.  I would get excited when the met most of the characteristics.  I would justify why they were missing a couple(oh, he will start tithing when he gets a real job...).  But every time, God would move them on(I can thank my mother's prayers for this.  She was diligent to pray for each guy that came into my life.  She would pray that God would move them on if it wasn't the one I was meant to marry.  It would make me madder than a hatter to lose another boyfriend, but now I am so thankful for those prayers).
I had been tempted so many times to give up this list. To compromise my beliefs for love.  But, for over 7 years, I held tight to my belief that God had a mate for me that would live up to my list. 
Then one day, God brought Bryan into my life.  Bryan had every one of the characteristics that I had prayed over for so many years.   I knew that I had found my mate. 
But, even though this list covered all the basics of a godly husband, I am surprised on a daily basis.  God knew I needed so much more.  It is just like the verse above.  God is able to do immeasurably more than we can even think to ask for.
God was able to look into the future and see what I would need.  God knew that I needed someone that could see past the physical appearance and love me for what was inside.  It amazes me on a regular basis that Bryan could love me and marry me at my heaviest weight.  I was 312 pounds the day I walked down the aisle.  But, Bryan saw beauty.  Not many men could do that. 
God knew that Bryan would be my biggest cheerleader and supporter throughout this journey.  Through the rough years of dieting with no results.  Through the times of binge eating to numb out feelings.  All the way through the ugliness of my addiction, this man loved me unconditionally.  Finally, through one of the biggest decisions of our lives, he helped me to decide to radically change my life forever. 
Isn't God good!  He knows what we need and he provides it.  It is a wonderful example to dream big and ask for more than you can ever imagine.  To God be the glory!

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