Thursday, August 25, 2011

Boasting In the Wrong Things

There has been a word stuck in my head since early this morning.  BOAST  It means to glorify oneself with speech, or simply put, to brag.  My quiet time this morning revealed that boasting is of the world and does not come from the Father.
Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not with him.  For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does- comes not from the Father but from the world.  1 John 2:15&16
I am convicted this morning that I boast a lot.  You can check out my Facebook page and probably see boast after boast.  Look at who I am hanging out with.  Look at what new and exciting thing I got.  Look at what my cute kid just did.  Look at the awesome vacation that I just took.  Look at me, look at me.  Look at all that I have and all that I have done. 
All that "me, me, me" stuff is not of the Lord.  In fact, John states that it is of the world and if we do it, then we are not of the Father.  Serious stuff, huh?  Just another reminder on how much we mess up.  I am convinced that the people that think they have this Christian thing all worked out and they are doing just fine in their walk with the Lord, need to rethink their position.  It is impossible to be who we need to be in Christ.  That is why the gift of grace is so crazy awesome!! 
We sing a song in church that says "I will boast in the Lord my God.  I will boast in the one who's worthy".  God is the only one who is worthy of our boasts.  Yet, daily, we feel the need to let everyone know how great we have it and how awesome our lives our.  I am reminded today that nothing in my life will ever measure up to God.  How silly I am to think that any of it even matters. 

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