In Mark chapter 1 the people were so amazed by Jesus that the news of him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee (vs 27 and 28). Remember this is a time when there was no way to do mass emails or text or twitter all your friends at one time. They were so amazed that his name and what he was doing was the topic of their conversations. It was all the "buzz". It was all they could talk about.
Once the word got out about Jesus, people started following after him. Excited to get a glimpse of this man. Hoping that their loved one could be healed. Praying that they got to hear him speak. Again, this is in a time that there was no easy way to get somewhere. They would have to take days off from laboring and working. Leaving it all behind, in a day when your mere survival depended on what you had done that day. They had no cabinets of food in reserve. They didn't have cars that would allow them to make a quick trip out to see this man.
The whole town gathered at the door... Mark 1:33
Everyone is looking for you! Mark 1:37
So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Mark 2:2
Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him and he began to teach them. Mark 2:13
Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. Mark 3:20
The people couldn't get enough of Jesus. Why is it today that we can't even make time for him? That we find him so boring that we can't even etch out a few minutes of our day to spend with him. We walk away from him day after day. Too busy to be bothered by him.
He is still the same today as he was those thousands of years ago. Yet, we don't see the need for him. We should be amazed day in and day out by the Son of God. We should drop everything, just to be in his presence. We should figure out a way just to get near to him. But, yet we walk away every day. We find things that we think are more important to fill our time. Don't you see, there is NOTHING that is more important. Why don't we long to be with him? What has gone wrong? Why don't we see the importance of an encounter with our Savior?
All it took was for the people to have one encounter with the Lord and their life was forever changed. Have you had that encounter? One that will change you? One that will make you stop what you are doing and follow him? Because, if you have truly met my Lord, then you can't stay the same.